Viewing all guests labeled with a tag

One of the purposes of tags is to conveniently group guests into categories. You can then display the list of all guests having a given tag. To do this:

  1. Click on the “Tags” link in the menu on the left hand side of the GuestView page. You’ll see a list of tags, including percentage bars indicating how many of your church’s guests are labeled with each tag.

  2. Click on the name of the tag whose guests you want to see.

  3. This will display a list of all guests who are labeled with the given tag.

    If there are many guests, this information will be displayed on more than one page; click the “Newer” and “Older” links at the top right corner of the page to show the guests on older and newer pages. You may click on the name of any guest to view that guest’s information.

From each tag’s list of guests, you may also rename the tag or even delete it. Click on the “Rename tag” or “Delete tag” links at the top of the page to do this.

See also