Searching for songs
Basic searching
The SongBook makes it easy to find songs, even if you don’t know exactly what you’re looking for. Type a few search terms into the text field at the top right corner of the SongBook, and click Search songs. A list of all the songs with all the terms you entered is shown. The song title, text, and copyright information is searched to find matches.
If too many songs are found:
- Try adding more search terms
- Make your search more specific. Adding quotes around search terms will only find songs where those terms appear next to each other. Searching for “our God” would only return songs where the exact phrase “our God” is used.
- Exclude songs with specific search terms by adding a minus sign before those terms. Searching for Grace -Amazing finds all songs containing the word Grace but not Amazing.
If too few songs were found:
- Try removing some search terms
- Separate search terms with the vertical line character to search for songs that contain any of those terms. Searching for Grace | Peace would find any songs that contained either the word Grace or Peace, or both.
Advanced searching
For search options, click the Advanced link beside the Search songs button in the top right corner of the SongBook.
- Title - Search song titles. All the same techniques mentioned above apply here.
- Copyright - Search song copyright information. All the same techniques mentioned above apply here.
- Text - Search song text. All the same techniques mentioned above apply here.
- Tempo - Find songs with the specified tempo.
- Key - Find songs with the specified key.
- Labels - Find songs with the specified labels.
- Song category - Only search songs of this type. Options are all songs, active songs, archived songs, and your starred songs.
- Added date - Find songs by when they were added to the songbook.
- Modified date - Find songs by when they were last modified. This is helpful for finding which songs have changed since the last time you printed paper songbooks.
- Used/Last used - Find songs that were used in a certain time period or place. This is helpful for seeing which songs your church is using, or for filling out CCLI reports.
See also